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Scarlot, a woman, lays on the floor basing Saya, a woman. Both create an aestheitcally interesting shape combining balance and strength.


"Acro" is a physical movement practice which combines elements of dance, yoga, acrobatics and bodyweight training in creative and playful ways.

It is often referred to as Partner Acrobatics, Acro Yoga, or Acro Balance.



With a background in dance, aerial work and modelling, Scarlot has a profound appreciation for self-expression through creativity and movement. She is an experienced photographer with a passion for creating art which captures moments of dynamism and intimacy between acro partners.


She has a special interest in acro yoga as a pathway to emotional healing through physical touch and play. Icarian and standing acrobatics are her personal playground.


“For me, acro is more than just hitting a specific pose. It's about building a connection through trust and communication on the journey to mastering an acrobatic trick.”


Inclusivity, consent and safety are at the heart of everything Scarlot teaches. Her focus on creating a safe space for authentic expression encourages vulnerability and openness. She believes in a reciprocal approach to learning in which listening to those around you and your own body is key to mutual progression.

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Scarlot Robinson
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